52 The Power-House
The Power-House
It was not until within ihe past twenty years that any sustained practical attempt was made to utilize the stupendous power of Niagara, although long before the Civil War such a scheme had been planned. Now the city of Niagara Falls is a hive of industry. The waters have been chained and led by devious subterranean passages to where great water-wheels are turned, which impart to a hundred industries the motive power to their myriad machines. The view above is but one of many to the witnessed in the milling district of Niagara Falls. Millions of dollars in capital and millions of horse-power are represented in the intricate machinery housed within the red walls of the mills and factones and power-houses.
It was not until within ihe past twenty years that any sustained practical attempt was made to utilize the stupendous power of Niagara, although long before the Civil War such a scheme had been planned. Now the city of Niagara Falls is a hive of industry. The waters have been chained and led by devious subterranean passages to where great water-wheels are turned, which impart to a hundred industries the motive power to their myriad machines. The view above is but one of many to the witnessed in the milling district of Niagara Falls. Millions of dollars in capital and millions of horse-power are represented in the intricate machinery housed within the red walls of the mills and factones and power-houses.
Dieses Kapitel ist Teil des Buches Niagara - in Summer and Winter